Find an outline of the 4th of July events, including the boat parade, king & queen contest, and more!
Are you a looking to donate? Check out our donating page to learn how to donate, our donor levels and advertising opportunities for businesses.
A huge THANK YOU to all our businesses and residents that make these events possible. See the list of this year's donors on our page.
Cloverleaf Lakes Fireworks Inc. is a financially responsible non-profit organization with the goal to provide a free, professional, yearly fireworks show for all of the families and businesses who live and vacation in this area. Like many non-profit organizations, Cloverleaf Lakes Fireworks Inc. is seeking the support of our local community and businesses to raise enough money to achieve this goal.
We strive to hire safe and professional pyrotechnics company to put on a spectacular show for your family and friends to enjoy. Your donation will assist in reaching this goal and with your support, we hope to continue this tradition for years to come!
Do you have any fun fireworks memories to share? Email us at cloverleaflakesfireworks@outlook.com
